Okay, so I know I am a little late for Thanksgiving but we have had family in town since Thursday and have been super busy so this is my post for Thanksgiving. In keeping with the true spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to tell you all what I am most thankful for.
I have three boys in my life that mean the world to me. I met
13 and he was 16 at the time) but he did. ahead a few years and we got married and he has been my best friend through out these years. He is so supportive and service-minded. He makes me laugh every day and is so fun to be around.
Brody is my 2 1/2 year old. He is so full of life and energy and is so smart. He amazes me. When he isn't driving me crazy, he is making me laugh and wanting to play and wrestle. He is an awesome big brother and takes good care of
My three boys make my life so rich and fun and sometimes very loud. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted me to take care of them and to be their mom (and wife).
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Jessica at 3:07 PM 10 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Toddler Tag
Hi all, this is Brody but my dad is helping me type this out. My mom tagged me too, so I guess I will have to tell you 6 of my dark secrets. Here goes nothin!
1) I pick my nose. I like to pick my nose. My mom says my finger is in my nose all the time, but that's simply not true. Sometimes its in my mouth, like after I pick my nose. Boogers just taste good. You should try one sometime.
2) I know all my letters of the Alphabet, but not in order. Dad wrote the alphabet under the table, and I have magnetic letters and we read 2 books every night. I think I'll be able to spell some words soon! Like honorificabilitudinitatibus. That was coined by some guy named Shakespeare.
3) I like to drink my bath water. I don't think it tastes any better than real water, but I figure since it has all that soap in it maybe it will help me wash my insides.
4) I also like to pee in the bath water.
5) I love my best friend Hayden. We play together all the time; we push each other, hit each other, steal each other's toys, make each other cry and sometimes Hayden pulls my hair. Its so fun. I cry when I have to leave Hayden's house.
6) I prefer to sleep disrobed. After my mom and dad put me in my bed I secretly take my jammies off and then sleep with my hand in my diaper. While I'm asleep sometimes the magic naked police put my clothes back on.
I could go on about all my special features, but I think you get the idea. Also, my mom is hotter than your mom, and my dad could beat your dad up.
Posted by Brody at 4:53 PM 5 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
I've Been Tagged
So I was tagged twice and didn't do it and now I feel bad (sorry Tina and Julie) so I am going to respond to both of my tags in one post. How does that sound? The rules are that I have to say 6 things about myself that people may not know and then tag 6 people to do the same thing. So here goes:
1. I am a really picky eater. I don't try new things and I have rules about eating. For instance, my vegetables can't touch my other food. That is gross. I just like my food a certain way.
2. I met Adam when I was 13 and he was 16. He was my older brother's friend and didn't even know who I was but I wanted to marry him so bad. He was so dreamy. One time he and my brother Zach were going to the movies and I begged Zach to let me come so he did and he sat in between Adam and me. I know- what's with that? Anyway, we all shared a big tub of popcorn and since Adam touched it, I took it home and cherished it for a while until it got kind of gross and then I threw it away.
3. This one is kind of creepy. Whenever my hands aren't busy doing something, my fingers are spelling words out in cursive. I have been doing it since I can remember being able to write cursive. When we are watching tv I am usually spelling out what people are saying in mid air. Don't ask me why. Sometimes when my hands are busy, I spell with my toes. I know. It's creepy. Can we still be friends?
4. I was born with a large bump over my left eyebrow. When I was still a small baby, my mom took my brother Zach, my sister Eliza and I to the laundromat and Zach got jealous that my mom was paying more attention to me. He sat on my face- I don't know if he was trying to kill me or just hide me from my mom but either way, the bump popped and now I have a small hole where the bump was. Take a notice next you see me. It's weird.
5. I love Josh Groban with all my heart. He has such an amazing voice. Adam got me tickets to go see him in Vegas when we lived in California and then found out he couldn't get off work to go with me so I invited my dad to go instead. Poor Adam. It was awesome. Josh Groban has a new Christmas cd out called Noel if any of you are interested. In one of the songs, he sings with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
6. I may lose some friends over this because some people consider it disgusting but if you don't want to be my friend because of it, you're not that great of a friend anyway so here we go. I love popping zits. It is fun and is a great stress-reducer. Adam is really nice to let me torture him all the time. If only he had more acne. I miss having my brothers and Adam's brother around.
So that's me. Pretty LAME if you ask me! Now I am tagging Hannah, Eliza, Audrey, Ingrid, Heidi and Anita.
Posted by Jessica at 4:50 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My Boys Make Me Laugh
Bridger makes me laugh. As you can see in these pictures, Bridger is cute and has plenty of character (and cellulite). He has this cheesy grin that makes me melt and when Brody is laughing, Bridger laughs too- not because he knows what is so funny, but because he wants to laugh just like his big brother. When he isn't happy, however, look out. He is a pro tantrum thrower. We start them young in our family. If something isn't the way he likes it, he will arch his back and scream from his throat and it is loud and annoying. We were at Wal-Mart yesterday and he started screaming like that and people were looking at us
like, "What are you doing to him?" Brody has thrown quite a few public tantrums but I have never been really embarrassed because people know kids throw tantrums. This was different- it was like Bridger was trying to convince people that we were abusing him. I guess we were, if you consider giving him snacks and juice and toys to play with to make him shut up abuse. I say tomato.....
Brody makes me laugh too. He is starting to say really funny things. Maybe they aren't funny things, but the fact that he says them is funny. Today I was feeding Bridger baby food for lunch and I spilled some down his pants. Here is what followed:
Me: "Oh man!"
Brody: "What wrong, Mommy? Mommy make mess Buh?" (Buh=Bridger)
Me: "Yes, I made a mess on Bridger."
About 20 minutes later, Brody was at the table eating his lunch and his chair back "came off" which means he ripped it off. He exclaimed "Oh man!" in much the same way that I had and said, "Dis wall down!" (this fall down). It was funny that he picked up on it.
Also, Brody is slightly anxious about elevators. He likes them, he likes to push the button, but he always has to hold our hands and he looks a little uneasy while we are in them. Twice this week he was in an elevator with either Adam or me and Bridger and both times, he grabbed Bridger and said, "Okay, Buh. Here go!" (It's okay, Bridger, here we go!) He was trying to comfort Bridger because he assumed Bridger was scared too- at least that is my guess. It was cute.
I don't have any appropriate pictures of Brody this week. I have one that I took in the middle of his nap after he took his pants and diaper off (which is a regular thing now a days) but I'm not posting it on our public blog for chesters to find.
We had our first Relief Society Meeting in our new ward on Sunday and I think it went well. I was a little overwhelmed looking at all the sisters and feeling a new love for them and thinking of the responsibility I have to makes sure their needs are met. I am getting used to the idea, though, and I am excited!
Posted by Jessica at 2:34 PM 9 comments
Sunday, November 4, 2007
County Fair and Other News
Yesterday we went with the Livseys to the Columbia County Fair. It was fun for about the first 4 minutes. Brody went on a couple of rides with Hayden and we got to go see the petting zoo (it was really a sad place). Everything was ridiculously expensive and it was crowded and smelled like manure and cigarette smoke. Yummy, right? Oh well. Now we can say we've been to the county fair.
After the fair we went to Cici's Pizza, which is a pizza buffet much like Stevie B's Pizza, only way grosser. Stevie B's has the best breadsticks and a huge variety of pizza. I'm a pepperoni only girl, but Adam likes to try new things and they will custom make a pizza for you with anything on it- mac and cheese, baked potato, anything they have they will make into a pizza. Cici's food had a weird taste to it and was pretty disappointing, but they had really good mini cinnamon rolls. I think I had like 5. Or maybe more- who knows? We are glad we went, though, because now we know how much better Stevie B's is and we can tell the world.Friday was a really long day. Brody didn't take a nap and Bridger only took a 45 minute nap in the afternoon so they were crabby and it was frustrating having to keep them quiet while Adam was sleeping (he is on the night shift again). I was trying to think of things to do to keep them happy and one of them was a sticker party. We got a cute Halloween package from Legrand and Valarie (Adam's brother and his wife) and it had 4 sheets of Halloween stickers in it. Brody loves stickers so we stuck stickers all over each other and it provided quite a bit of entertainment for us. Bridger was confused and I'm pretty sure he didn't like the feeling of stickers all over his face, but sometimes we all have to
make sacrifices to make Brody happy, do we not?
In other big news, our ward split last week. We were asked to go to the Stake Center on Sunday night and they created a new ward called the Grovetown Ward, which we are now members of. We lost a lot of good friends but we still live close and hope to see them every once in a while. Also, we now go to church at 12:30 which we learned today is quite brutal. It is nap time and crabby time and the I am pretty sure the nursery was a nightmare for those poor nursery teachers. Bridger was not a happy camper. Also, this morning Adam and I met with our new bishop and I got called to be the new Relief Society President so I got sustained and set apart today. I still kind of feel like I'm going to throw up whenever I think about it but at the same time, I know I will have a lot of help from the Lord, from Adam, and from the other members of our ward. I love our new ward. It is young and fresh and it is a new start. I know that obedience and willingness to sacrifice bring blessings and you know I love blessings! I am nervous and excited and confused all at the same time (I am too young for this!).
Posted by Jessica at 2:18 PM 15 comments