Thursday, August 21, 2008

Playing Dress-Up

I obviously don't have any girls so I figured that my days of playing dress-up would never come. I was wrong. Bridger has developed a very interesting sense of style. He will either find something and put it on himself or bring it to me and ask me to help him put it on. The picture of him lying down with two pairs of Brody's underwear stuck at his knees was one of his masterpieces. He thinks it is so funny. Once he has everything on that he wants, he just runs around laughing and making funny faces. As a side note, the last picture of him as a half dog, half boy shows wet pants. He spilled his cereal milk on his pants. It's not what you think it is. Although to be truthful, it was what you think it is about an hour before this picture was taken when he woke up with a diaper that was full and leaking.

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Pilkington Family said...

He is just so stinkin cute!!! Emma also had a fascination with putting on Abby's underwear. She would put on at least 3 and wear them superman style..I guess whatever makes them happy.

Correa Family said...

NICE!!! Very stylish!

Kendra said...

What a silly little boy! Boys definitely love to dress up too. Taylor did that a lot. He made my mom make him a superman cape last time they visisted because he wanted to be superman! I can't wait to see you guys, the boys are growing too fast!!

Lenae said...

Ha ha... Awesome!

Leslie Watters said...

They just won't stay away from that costume!!!!

Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

I cant wait to see them in less than 2 weeks!! Bridger is so big and it has been a full year since I have seen him! can you believe it!

Anonymous said...

This is Adam. I really want to squeeze that little boy. I want to eat im up, digest im, and then eat im again. That sounds gross, but i'm sure it would be not gross. OH, and Jessica is Hot and Awesome. I'd like to squeeze her as well.

heather said...

I love that brody plays dress up. Gabe does this, but with my high heels...yikes!
Anyway, Love ya and I can't believe that you let him leak all over himself...that's just wrong.:)

Becky said...

Do you want to come visit? For a long time? Good! Can't wait to see ya!

Tayla said...

That is too cute! Max likes to come out in silly things sometimes too. I love that your cute little guy runs around laughing at himself. So fun! Oh, and I got my green shirt at K-Mart for $7 ... yep, I'm cheap. I have one in pink and one in gray too. :)

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I actually think he is on to something with the underwear on the outside of the pants. I mean, with the way some of these guys dress with their pants hanging down and their boxers showing, underwear on the outside seems like the next logical step. Can't wait to see you!

Staci said...

See.. boys are fun! Girls do dress up a little differently but still fun! I miss you Jessica! My new ward just isn't the same! I miss you!

Scott and Katelyn said...

how cute are those boys?!!

Unknown said...

Want to go to Disneyland? Okay, let's. Can't wait to see your face.