Thursday, October 2, 2008

Disneyland+No Children=AWESOME!

There isn't a lot to say. I went to Disneyland for a whole weekend with only fun girls- no kids, no stroller, no diapers or sippy cups, no worrying about naps (unless it was my nap) and no whining (and no non-fun girls). It was amazing. The group of girls I went with was so fun and entertaining. Again, a huge thank you to my parents who took the kids to Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef and gave them a fun weekend, and to Michael and Amanda who helped out when my parents were working.
Eliza, Natalie, Me, Jenn, Brooke, Seana
Don't worry- Jenn was having a great time, she just didn't expect to get soaking wet on Splash Mountain. Thanks for taking one for the team, Jenn!

By the end of Saturday night, we were all so delusional that we thought it was cute to wear ears around the park.

Eliza, me and Brooke on the Ferris Wheel type ride that swings the cages you're in. It made me a little sick, but nothing like this....
Who likes how Jenn and Seana are suffering and Natalie is in the background laughing at them? What you can't see is the other three of us laughing on the other bench across from them.

Natalie's "look".

Two things happened that were completely unacceptable. First, one of the main reasons these Disneyland trips are planned by my sister is to see Billy Hill and the Hillbillies perform in Frontier Land. They are a really funny band that plays hillbilly music and tells hillbilly jokes. The main Billy that we really like took the weekend off so there was a fill-in that was so not funny. It was disappointing and a waste of 2 hours.

Second, when we were waiting in line for the Alice in Wonderland, there was a little boy about 3 or 4 years old with his mom and dad. We noticed that the line in front of them had moved but they weren't moving. They were by a small bush that was behind the little fence that shapes the line and they sure did let their little boy pee into that bush. They were waiting for him to finish and that's why the line wasn't moving. If Disneyland had a potty-in-the-bush police, they would have been notified immediately.

Besides those two downers, the trip was awesome. Thanks, girls, for the fun times.


Unknown said...

I don't like the swinging gondola, okay? I am a wimp. I love you, though. It was fabulous.

Zachariah Parry said...

Now your blog is the happiest blog on earth.

Leslie Watters said...

I have a feeling you might do the same "pee-in-the-bush" thing with Brody or Bridger!!!!!!

The Galan Family said...

I am completely jealous of you right now. I bet you had an absolute blast. I love Disneyland, but without kids would be so liberating!! We are hangin' in there. When do you get back?

Brooke said...

Holy crap, best moment EVER when Seana was crying. That was the night that Jenn was punch drunk too... Remember Tower of Terror? Oh yea, you kept skipping out, that's right. Disneyland is how all new friends should meet. I like you, a lot.

Natalie said...

Wow that "look" is a bit creepy. Thanks for sharing. We sure had some good times. Same time next year???

Anonymous said...

I might have to kill you for that picture on the gondolas. I'm sort of not joking. Sort of. But seriously. That trip was a blast. I'm having Disneyland girls withdrawals. We should have a little get together or something where we meet and delete pictures we hate. Are you with me?

Becky said...

That's two blogs in a row where you have mentioned hillbillies. Next you'll be wearing Billy Bob teeth and overalls with no shirt underneath.

Linda said...

Jennifer and Seana's pictures are so darn funny! Poor Jenn! I hope the "mothers" get to go next time with you all!

Linda (Jenn and Nat's mom)

Staci said...

Wow, I have never thought about going to Disneyland without kids.. that is way outside the box... I think I may have to try it!

Adam said...

billy hill is very funny. you should not do what your mom suggested and wear overalls without a shirt underneath. also, there is nothing wrong with peeing in bushes - unless you happen to be a girl. you are hot. fact.

angela said...

Jessica, I loved your disneyland photos. You lucky girls. Bring your dad on over and come climb to the top of my treehouse. If I can do it anyone can. I believe in YOU!

Juliette said...

Wow, looks like fun! I love Disneyland! I'm glad you got a much deserved break from the kids and had some girl time.

Tayla said...

How fun! Isn't it sad but totally true that Disneyland can be so much more fun without kids? Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to take my kids there someday, but the thought of it sounds very tiring! :)

The Maschger Family said...

Of course we remember you! How awesome to have been found! In looking over your site, I see that you have made the acquaintance of our good friends the Bastians, and the Galans! Looks like lots of fun in GA! Miles is up for orders in April of next year...and returning to GA is on the short list of, who knows perhaps our paths will cross again! I look forward to keeping in touch, and keeping up with you wonderful family! :-)

Tam Maschger

Shari Davis said...

I'm so glad you were able to get away for a much needed girls' weekend! How fun! Miss you and can't wait for you to come back! You are hot!

sNick said...

I think that sometimes Disneyland is more fun for adults than for kids. It's definitely one of my favorite places.