Monday, March 30, 2009


I know some of you can name that movie!

So anyway, I love my Brody. He is sweet and innocent and charming. His dimpled smile makes me melt (unless he is being naughty- then it's just aggravating).

But here's the thing. He has an over-sized head. I still think he is handsome and yummy, but I know he is very blessed in the skull department. We are trying to find a haircut that compliments his head so we grew it out long and then cut it today so we could see which is best. What are your thoughts? Which is better?


Anonymous said...

They are both adorable. But I think I like the longer one a bit better. (Ryder has a gigantic head!)

I also wanted to tell you that the Fruit Thing recipe is super easy! The 6-7 hour part is just while it's freezing. And you just need to give it a quick stir once an hour. You'll be sorry if you never try it.

Unknown said...

The fruit thing seriously is to die for. You will sorry. Also, I like both haircuts. He is a stud no matter what.

Brooke said...

What about something in between? He is so handsome I miss his face! Member how Liza texted me and said "Sir." And I was like "awww that's how Brody say's sure!" She didn't even have to explain it. I heart him bad. Um, where's a pic of Bridge??

Correa Family said...

Okay, I'm so dumb... did I miss something because I can't even tell it's the same child between the two pictures besides that same shirt! Wow! It really changes him! I like both actually, but I'm slightly more in favor of the long hair. I love long hair on little boys, it's so cute! Are you sure that's the same child in both pictures? LOL!

winnie said...

See, and I love the short hair. I never want to give the boys a hair cut, but then after, I just love how I focus on their face more. I just always love fresh hair cuts. Anyway--are you feeling better yet?

Jonathan and Rachel said...

Jess... I like it longer! It looks so soft and makes him look like a handsome little boy!

The Galan Family said...

I love his expression in the first picture. It's the pretend to smile and say cheese look. I'm not going to be much help because I like it both ways. He looks cute with it long, but there is nothing cuter than a little boy with a new haircut. They are just easier to love or something. And the movie is "So I Married an Ax Murderer", right? His head is not that big.

Sylwia said...

short is always better. dont get him used to longer hair, it will backfire when he gets older. i just talked to brother fanning about it. he regrets letting one of his sons have the longer hair. now his son feels he cant live without it. so i'd just stay away from that fight...

heather said...

So I married an axe murderer....
Okay, I still think brody is cute with short hair. But I really did like his long hair...maybe because i'm growing gabes hair out to see what it would look like.
But he looks good with short.

Becky said...

I can't decide. I think "I like the longer" and then I look again and think "No, I like the shorter". Maybe you can grow it out below his ears and let me see it that way. Or maybe dye it black and let me decide what I like best. I want more choices.

Amber said...

I vote longer. He is such a stud!

Tayla said...

I think he is darling either way, but that long hair is super cute on him!

The Mitchells said...

I think he looks older with it longer (which is so cute - I love it), but then he has that little boy look with it short. (Also, cute.)

Lynette said...

He is of course adorable no matter what. If I had to vote on the haircut though I would say I like the longer one better! I hope your feeling better!!

Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

I have never in my life seen him with long hair and I love it! He is obviously really attractive either way but I think I love his longer hair!

Colemans said...

Kye has a big head too! I love it because it makes him so adorable, however; we have found that if we keep it longer it looks better. When his hair is short, his head looks that much bigger. ;) I like the long but either way is way cute. He is a kid! :)

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