Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm Sick of Being Sick!

Welcome to day 5 of me feeling like crap. Right now, my kids are eating popcorn on the couch and watching Olivia, my house looks like someone picked it up and shook it, and I am on the verge of coughing up my last vital organ.

Hello, death's door. Nice to meet you.
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Lenae said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

Nicole said...

Wait, you're at death's door too? How come I can't see you from where I am? Must be a big door...

Unknown said...

Oh sweetie...I am so sorry.

sNick said...

Whoa, close that door and walk away! I was feeling sick this week and drank a half a gallon of OJ (over three days). Try it, it works.

Scott and Katelyn said...

yuck!!! that's the worst! i hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it - but this picture looks like me! I guess I look sick all the time..... Karen

Winn Family said...

That sucks! I'm so sorry. Your trip looks awesome though--so so so fun--and the end of your trip (about throwing yourself out of the car)--you made it so so funny--sorry it wasn't though. As soon as you get better you need to come over and we'll jump on the tramp okay?

Anonymous said...

Get better soon. Please! That picture scares me a little.

Correa Family said...

Ohh! I'm sorry, try Airborn, my parents swear by it, says it works miracles! I hope you get feeling better soon.

Eliza said...

You're pretty

Becky said...

Eliza is funny.