Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Things to Do in New Tazewell, TN

Have you always wanted to go to New Tazewell, Tennessee but didn't know what was available to do there?

Yeah- me neither. I'd never heard of it until we started looking on a map trying to decide what was in between us and Adam's parents. This seemed like a good enough spot so we booked a cabin and spent this last weekend with the fam before Kimball (Adam's brother) goes off to Iraq.

Here are some things you can do if you ever get a chance to go (grandparents are strongly recommended for some of these activities).

Have a bonfire complete with s'mores and Family Home Evening, even though no one really likes s'mores. It's all about traditions I guess.
Read bedtime stories with Nana.
Throw rocks into the lake. I don't mean a few rocks. I mean make Grandpa make 15 or 20 trips from the shore to the dock with as many rocks as he can carry just to throw them in the water.
Have an Easter Egg Hunt.

Try...ummm...log surfing?
Go pedal boating.
Take a nap with Papa.
Play croquet.
Meet your adorable nephew for the first time.
And finally- get sick. Notice the look on my face. That is my attempt to look happy even though my throat felt (and still feels) like acid is burning through my throat flesh and knives are stabbing me in the throat all at the same time. If you're on vacation and you're going to get sick, make sure that one of your kids is sick too so the whole ride home he whines while you already want to throw yourself out of the car and maybe into oncoming traffic. It's the only way to go.

I just realized that we have no good pictures of Faith, Allen, or Kimball (who was the reason for the whole trip). Sorry, guys.


Lant Family said...

Looks like a fun little trip---well maybe minus the sick at the end there. I really and loving your hair! Makes me want to chop mine off and try a short doo for a while.

Julie said...

I love your hair Jessica! It looks really good! Sorry about being sick. That is never fun. I hope you feel better real soon.

Lenae said...

Your boys are so so cute! (I think that's my comment for almost all your posts...) And you guys don't like s'mores?! We love 'em so much, we make them in the microwave!

The Galan Family said...

Glad you guys had a fun trip. What a fun little getaway. That picture of you is classic. Trying to look happy when you are in pain is the worst. Hope your throat is feeling better. Do you have strep? And HELLO, you don't like S'mores? What is wrong with you?

Brooke said...

How much yummier could you possibly look, okay? And while we're on the subject, I can't stand how effreaking cute your boys are! I miss them! I like you a lot and I wish I could do motorboat with you. Not that kind. Peace.

sNick said...

What do you mean "no one really likes smores"?! You've got to be crazy to not like smores! I think next time I travel I'll be sure to take a sick kid, cause that just sounds like too much fun.

Army Petes said...

I notice you husband is wearing a dunder mifflin shirt. He must be a good guy.:)

Unknown said...

I concur with Brooke. I heart your hair, like, a lot. Sorry you got sick. That is crappy. I am going to Disneyland in 2 weeks with my kid. Wanna come? okay. wanna go on Splash Mountain 6 times in a row? Okay.

Zachariah Parry said...

You're so silly. It's PADDLE boating.

Your sense of humor makes me laugh.

Kendra said...

I am so sorry you are sick! I am glad you got a chance to visit Adam's family though! I agree with the previous posters that your hair looks really hot! I hope you feel better soon!! What did the doctor say? Is it strep??

Becky said...

Okay, that's it. We are moving to New Tazewell. It was the log surfing that really clinched the deal. I don't understand all of the comments about your hair. Is it different? I actually thought it looked like you'd been camping for awhile. Sorry you are sick.