Born March 29th 2010
at 3:41 pm
In Augusta, Georgia
20 inches long
8 lbs 4 oz
lots of gorgeous hair
We arrived at the hospital on Monday morning around 6:30 for Jessica's scheduled induction, which we were able to get because of the size of previous babies (9.10 and 8.10). The nice nurses at Trinity showed us to our room and after very little time Jessica was rolling on Pitocin and getting the process going. At about 8 her doctor came in and mercilessly broke Jessica's water and "agitated" things to move along the labor. While Jessica squirmed quietly in obvious pain, I squirmed quietly in obvious imagined pain and thought about how grateful I was that I am not a woman and that Jessica was a brave, strong one.
After about 4 hours of very painful contractions about 2 minutes apart Jessica finally asked for an Epidural to ease the pain, thinking that at that point she was surely at least a 7. After the epidural she was sorely disappointed to find out that she was a 5 and about 50% effaced.
Let me take a moment to say what an utter pansy I am. After only watching 4 hours of intense labor pains and a horrible IV episode, I was too wimpy to even be in the room for the epidural. I'm not sure why, but I get sick just thinking about it. Once again, I was grateful not to be a woman and to have an awesome one by my side. I would have passed out and given up at the IV.
Anyway, after another couple hours she was checked again only to find that Jess was at a 6 and 70%. Seemed like there was a long way to go. Penny had other plans I guess becuase just half an hour later when Jessica complained of pressure and pain the nurse checked her and declared, "You're done! Don't push, I'll call the doctor." About an hour and a half after that he finally showed up.
When he walked in the door Jessica was already prepped and ready to push. It only took pushing through two contractions to get that 8 lb baby out. It was miraculous. Penny arrived strong and healthy and Jessica was a champ. I sat helpless by the side amazed at the process, and at my wife and new little girl.
Penny makes cute little faces (though her face is not little, its like a big ball of cherry red cuteness). She eats like she doesn't know how to quit, or want to. Her hair is so thick and lush I can't keep my hand off it. She is just perfect and we love her and hope you all get to meet her soon.
Thank you to all those who are so interested in our lives and willing to help us and rejoice with us on this awesome occasion.
P.S. 100 bonus points are awarded to those who realized that the bottom picture of the three above is actually Brody when he was a baby! Gotcha!