I have always been a mosquito magnet. Every summer (especially since we moved to Georgia) I have dreaded the inevitable itching and bumpy legs and arms. The constant scratching because the cortisone cream is either missing or doesn't last long enough. I have always wondered why I seem to get more bites than other people, especially Adam. We can be at the park for the same amount of time and stay the same area the whole time and I will come home with 50 bites and he'll have none.
Last week Adam was at work and a friend of his was being eaten alive and Adam was unscathed. Adam said, "You must have O- blood." His friend couldn't believe he knew that! Adam was just joking- because that's why my blood type is and that I attract the bugs. That got us thinking...do mosquitoes prefer a certain type of blood?
I did a little (and I mean like 5 minutes) of research this morning and it turns out he was right! Type O blood is, for some reason or another, more appealing to mosquitoes. Type A (Adam's type) is the least appealing.
I thought this was really interesting. Oh...you didn't? Weird.
El Escorial and Toledo
2 months ago