Today is our five year anniversary! It's been a great five years. Adam is amazing. He is such a good husband and dad- the boys and I are lucky to have him. Since he is working tonight we are going to go out tomorrow night and paint the town like we used to. This morning when he got home from work he gave me a sweet and clever poem that used the word "five" 47 times. I gave him a card I made for him and then he went to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to have lots of fun.
I was looking at our wedding album remembering our wedding day and laughing to myself about all the things that went veil caught on fire at the hair salon (stupid candles!), I forgot to wear make up and jewelry to my own wedding (luckily my friend Kathleen had brought make up and had worn a white necklace to the sealing so she helped me out before pictures), the church where we were having our reception was flooded the night before when we went to go set up.... I thought it would ruin everything, but five years later, we are married and will be together for eternity. Those little wedding details don't matter. I'm so grateful for Adam and for our marriage and our relationship. It is so fulfilling and makes life so fun! I love you Adam!!!
The doctors found out what was wrong with Brody. We had more x-rays done on Thursday and they found stool (aka poop) throughout his whole system. The iron that they put him on for anemia clogged him all up and he was cramping and aching from being so full of grossness. The doctor said she had never seen so much stool in a person before so we had to give him enemas (which he didn't like in case you are wondering) and will have to continue to give him laxatives in his juice for a while. Poor thing. He doesn't get a break.
That's all for now. Please feel free to leave comments. I'm pretty sure I made it so that anyone can leave them...let us know you stopped by!
El Escorial and Toledo
2 months ago
Congrats, kay? Those pictures of you guys are cute. Remember when you look exactly the same? I had forgotten about the flooded church debacle. Poor Brody? Maybe he is getting all the sick out of him now and when he is older he will be one of those annoying people who says, "I never get sick. I must have a superior immune system." Okay I made that last part up, but it is implied in their snotty tone.
I liked the poop story the best!
Jess, congrats! 5 years and going strong!!! Glad they found out what was bothering Brody, hope he feels better soon!
Have fun tonight
It makes me proud to be the comment that puts you at number four. Adam has further to go now.
Well too bad Zach, I'm going to have to trump you. I'm comment number five on their fifth anniversary!
Hey, Congrats you guys!!! It just gets better over time. Anyway, your comment about exchanging cards reminded me of the scrapbook supplies you sell. I was wondering if there was a website that I could look at to see if I wanted to get anything. Hope you can get all the icky grosse stuff out of Brody!
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