Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our Uneventful Week (Finally)

Our lives have seemed to be busy and crazy lately, which is why it was nice to have a bit of a break this week. Yesterday our little town had a festival that I took the boys to while Adam was working. They had booths with crafts, and food and other services that we walked around and looked at. Brody got to sit in a fire truck with a fireman and was given the opportunity to jump in a cool castle bounce house but decided that it was way too terrifying for him. We wanted Adam to come and meet us there for lunch ($1 hotdogs!) but he wasn't able to make it so we just decided to bag the whole lunch thing and go home and have our own fun picnic. It was indeed fun until a HUGE bumblebee invited itself and wouldn't leave us alone at our picnic table in the backyard. We moved to the other side of the yard and had our picnic on a blanket. It was so nice outside and peaceful without the bee bumbling around.

The other pictures are just fun pictures of Bridger being cute. He'll use anything as a Superman cape- here it is a kitchen towel. He also is a really good kisser. It is usually pretty hard to get a good willing kiss from him but when he is gives them out, he gives them out generously. Kisses all around!

Today Brody said the words to me that any parent dreads. "I don't like you!" It was pretty random, too. I had just given someone a ride home and had gotten back into our car and he said it. I didn't hear him at first- I just heard Adam say, "Brody- don't say that. It's not nice." Then he said it again so I could hear him, and again, and again. I asked him who had said that (we had just left church where he had spent 2 hours in nursery with a lot of other kids) and he said, "I say that." It really hurt my feelings! Adam told me he didn't know what he was saying but it still was painful. I'm sure it's not the last time he'll say it, and when he learns the word "hate" I'm sure he'll throw that in there too. About 2 minutes after he said it, we found a turtle on our way home and Adam picked it up so we could take care of it. Brody was so excited so I asked him if he liked me again and he said yes. Fickle boy. Our new turtle is very shy. I forgot to take pictures of it but it's a box turtle and his name is Boxer. Brody loves him (apparently more than he loves me).

Enjoy this video of Bridger spinning himself sick!

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Unknown said...


I just spent the week watching Erin's kids and Cora told me at least twice a day that she didn't like me, that we weren't friends, and that I am not invited to her birthday party. I wouldn't take it personally. I like you.

Eliza said...

Bridger looks like a good kisser...can I have some?

Zachariah Parry said...

"we just decided to bag the whole lunch thing"

That's almost a pun.

Today Eliza asked Cadence who her best friend was and she said, "My Brody."

I am glad Brody likes you again.

Anonymous said...

I haven't really had my kids tell me that they don't like me. To my face, that is. But I am very confident that--at least my big kids--say it behind my back. And probably worse. Sometimes I even deserve it.

Leslie Watters said...

I wish Andrew would kiss like that....sweet. Thanks again for my birthday surprise! You're too sweet.

Lenae said...

What a sweet picture of Bridger kissing you! And I'm sorry Brody momentarily disliked you (or said he did). If all else fails, I guess you could keep a supply of turtles to whip out when you want to get back in his good graces...

The Findarle Family said...

I like you and you kids annd bridger is so cute especially when he makes himsellf sick... Also that kiss sure does look like a passionate one! bye

Natalie said...

Bentley tells me he doesn't like me and that I am mean all the time. It's shocking the first time they say it but eventually it will be "yeah, well I don't like you either!"

I recently had the same experience with a bumblebee. You were nice enough to take your kids in with you. I jumped up and ran screaming into the house as my boys looked on as to say "what in the crap just happened?"

Adelheide said...

I love the spinning video. So cute!

Becky said...

Cute, cute, cute. Brody said that because when you said it to me I cursed you with kids that would say it to you!!!

heather said...

I want some of those kisses. Too cute. Also...i not only like you...I love you!:)

Kendra said...

I like your mommy's comments. I have to agree. I told Marc if Casen ever does anything mean, it is sooo his fault!! Also Bridger makes me laugh really hard!! He is so funny! Casen and him will have fun playing together! Check your email, I sent you one!! I love you even when you don't have turtles!

Jacob Parry said...

My favorite part of the video was hearing Jessica laughing every time her kid hit the floor, it's no wonder they don't like her.
