I know it is completely normal for toddlers to throw tantrums. Brody throws at least 3 a day and Bridger is closer to 5 a day. I just think they should choose more important things to get upset about. Some examples of reasons for everyday outbursts include having the wrong color of spoon for breakfast, wanting each other's sippy cups, not being allowed to go play in the sandbox when it is raining and thundering outside, not being allowed to play with the knife that Mom gets to cut with, and other really unimportant things. When one of them is freaking out, I really do just look at them and think (or say), "SERIOUSLY?" In this video, Brody is getting upset that Bridger doesn't want him to zip up his backpack. This is a very mild incident. I wouldn't even call it a tantrum- if I posted a full blown tantrum, no one would ever come back to look at my blog.
El Escorial and Toledo
2 months ago
Okay seriously, that was really funny! I think it's funny that you actually got it all on camera! What cute boys!!!
I laughed the whole way through it. I say that you should just enjoy it. As they get older they just throw tantrums over sillier things and use bigger words. Tantrums or no your boys are SERIOUSLY cute.
You know Jenn E was talking about Eric when she said older boys throw tantrums over sillier things with bigger words.
My favorite part was trying to imagine what Bridger was thinking while he was running away: Was he trying to annoy his older brother on purpose, like his mother used to do? Was he wondering why his brother is crying over nothing, like I do when Jacob cries like every other day? Was he just trying to show off for the camera, like Aunt Audrey does? Or was he oblivious to the mayhem around him and just doing his thing, like Uncle Michael?
Or is he just running for his life because he knows that if his older brother catches up to him he is going to beat the crap out of him for no reason, like Zach always did?
SO FUNNY! What fun I have to look forward to. Yeah.
Wow, your brothers have some unresolved issues! Maybe we can get them some therapy. Cute video!
Well, now I know what I have to look forward to :) Thanks for the comment... I can't believe I have two now! Crazy. By the way, the pictures of your completed projects are super cute!!! You're so crafty.
OK, that seriously made me laugh out loud. You ALSO write just like you talk and I can hear your voice in your blogs. What a crack up. It's awesome to know that other people think the same things about their boys that I do about mine.
And your totally on for a Steam Mop demo...
Hey, why was I left out of the comparisons? Don't I do anything interesting Zach?
ha ha! i loved it! It made me realize that I should really get some of Kade's and Lukes on tape-fun! It's so funny when you look back on it! Me and the boys watched Brody's interview and it was so cute! He's such a smart kid that one! (good job) So cute! Oh, and also Jess and I always talk about Lasik for him (cause sad not to be able to see!) but we haven't really researched how much it costs and how well it works and what not. How long till he can see then? Anyway--awesome blog! I love it!
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