Last night we had our Relief Society Enrichment. For part of it, the women brought pictures of themselves as babies or toddlers and we had to guess who it was. It was fun to see everyone's pictures. I brought a picture of myself (the only one I have, in fact. I'm sure my parents loved me when I was a child- there is just no physical evidence of such). I thought it was interesting that we couldn't tell who the person was because they looked like themselves, but they usually looked just like their kids. I have always thought that I look nothing like my small self and that my children don't look at all like me. I was surprised and pretty excited when people were telling me that my picture looked just like Bridger. So here is the picture I brought and a picture of my sweet little Bridger so you can see...what do you think?
El Escorial and Toledo
2 months ago
So I do think that your baby picture does reseamble Bridger. I see a little of your older self in you but not much. It' s funny because either your baby picture totally shows your older self or not.
Thanks for sharing this, I loved it!
You needed a picture of Bridger with his eyes more open. But he looks so much like you did. Now, I really believe that he belongs to you. :)
I think he looks like you. Crazy how that is. We did the same thing in our ward and people said they knew it was me because it looked like Max. I was super surprised because I think my kids look so much like their dad. But when I look at our pictures at the same age they look more like me than Mike. Weird! :)
I shouldn't even comment after being maligned in your post but yes you and Bridger do look alike. I happen to have a lot of pictures of you as a child. Maybe I should just give them to you because heaven knows I will never do anything with them.
I have always thought that Bridger looked like you! I have always thought he looked kind of like Michael as a little person! I agree with Heather that your baby picture looks nothing like you now, thats how my baby pics are also! BTW-I miss you guys!!
Oh yeah, I forgot, and you are adopted.
I can totally see Bridger in you. Did the RS ladies guess yours right away? That is a cute idea to do. I'm not saying I want to be Enrichment Leader - but it's a cute idea! So glad we have these blogs to stay posted. I am most impressed with how many friends you have and your constant array of comments. It's awesome.
I totally think you look like your baby self. you know what's funny? my mom was going through old photos and found one of you and I in front of Glen Yermo!! ha. good times.
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