Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Update

I have been a little lazy lately and my blog isn't the only thing that I have gotten behind on. Just a quick update- for my birthday, Adam invited some friends over for pizza, cheesecake, and ice cream because he knows that more than anything, I love to be with the people I love. I'm so grateful for our friends and for the support they give us while we are so far from family.
This is what the boys' room looked like during my birthday get-together. The kids all played really well together, which is surprising, considering how many small children were packed into a tiny room. I think there were about 12 kids in there at one point.
The boys have discovered a new game they call racing. They run from the front door all the way through the living room, kitchen and to the garage door trying not to get caught by the "monster" aka Daddy. When they get back to the front door, they hug each other to protect each other. This is why dads are more fun than moms. How do dads come up with that much energy?

For Valentine's Day, we had our traditional Sweetheart Cafe dinner at home together. We kept it pretty simple this year to minimize stress and it turned out delicious and really enjoyable thanks to the Winns, who babysat our kids for the night. They are nice.

A lot of people have asked us what's going on with Adam's job so here's the update- he gets out of the Navy in September but we will most likely stay here for a couple more years so he can continue working at Fort Gordon as a contractor or language instructor. That's the plan so far. It changes a lot so we'll keep you updated.


Unknown said...

Thats cute. Your boys are fun. I like your face. Hope you had a great birthday!

Zachariah Parry said...

That's funny that Seana said she liked your face. I was just thinking, I sure like Jessica's face.

Leslie Watters said...

Sad that I missed the pizza party!

Becky said...

You guys are cute and so are your boys. Has Brody grown like a foot since November? I like that they hug each other to get away from Daddy.

Brooke said...

Holy crap you are HOT. And your house is so pretty!! I wish I could be invited over for your birthday. Of course, that would mean I'd have to be one of the people that you love. AM I one of the people that you love? You don't have to answer now, you can think on it. Oh, and I really like your house. And your face. (Not jumping on the bandwagon, just saying.)

Bart and Misty Brimhall said...

I'm glad you had a good birthday! I had so much fun at your card party! Thanks for inviting me!

Lynette said...

Hey Jess. I LOVE checking your blog. I saw your comment about the couponing and will try and continue posting my finds. If you want any help with it let me know - not sure how well I can explain but I know people who can. Hey, you should know. I LOVED your two posts forever ago about food storage and they have given our family the "boost" we need to keep adding. We have 6 months but with moving so much it's hard to want to buy past that, however, your weekly list makes it easier and sensible for us and our moves so.....THANK YOU, THANK YOU. Have a great day!

Kendra said...

I can't believe Adam is almost done being in the Navy. I can't believe how fast time has been flying by! I was just looking at my scrapbook pictures from when we visited you in Monterey!! Also I am glad you had a fun b-day! I wish I could have been there!! Have a fun weekend!

Scott and Katelyn said...

Happy Late Birthday!!! I remember our birthday parties when we were in elementary school. Oh my how fast time goes by!

Eliza said...

You are so very are your boys. I hope you enjoyed your party. Are you going to post pics of your Sweetheart Cafe?