Sunday, October 3, 2010

Love Them

I am so grateful for these three men.  They are such good examples of faith, kindness, gratitude and having a positive attitude.  I needed to hear everything I heard in General Conference. I want the feelings of hope and the desire to be better to last long enough for me to change.  I'm looking forward to finishing the sessions I missed yesterday...while I was working the Oliver Hardy Festival...more on that to come.


Chrystapooh said...

My SIL's SIL nominated me for a blog award and I have to pass it on. She already called out everyone I know and read, except you. Wanna play? Here's my link:

I want to know more about Jess!

Chrystapooh said...

Yes, you read it right: everyone else was taken. But that basically just means she called out every single one of my sisters, SILs and Nicole. That's a lot. And that's pretty much all I read except yours. That means you're in good company, that's all. :) You don't have to play if you don't want to.

Zachariah Parry said...


I am grateful for your post. I have been praying that you would be touched by the words of the brethren and finally get that desire to change into a better person. I can't wait. Good on you.

Just kidding, by the way--you are among the most righteous people I know.