Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trip to Staheli Farm

Yesterday we drove the 2 hours to St. George to go to Staheli Farm for the day. They have little rides, swings, a corn maze, a pumpkin patch (more like small pile of pumpkins), a petting zoo, and a redneck trampoline, which is a mattress set on a pile of hay. The kids LOVED it. They have a sand area where there are little ride-on tractors, a wheelbarrow, and huge pile of dirt. There is nothing that my boys love more than dirt. Seriously. My friend Brooke, who invited us, brought her camera and took cute pictures of the boys. I don't have those yet but I have a few that I took. Bridger loved the petting zoo. He didn't want to touch any of the animals but he just stared in amazement. He especially liked the llamas and kept saying, "Hi mama" to them. Brody liked feeding the horses dirt, rocks, and a little hay. It was a really fun place to take kids and I wish it was closer than 2 hours away. Once I get the pictures from Brooke, I'll post them.

Bridger loves to climb up on Grandpa's lap and share his cereal with him.
Brody had his last day of class this week so they had a Halloween party. It's been so nice to have him in classes a few times a week- it keeps him busy and out of trouble. His poor Batman ear won't stay up and his shoes don't match. It seems to be a pattern with him.


Lenae said...

Your boys are so handsome! Looks like they had fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad we missed out! Looks like a blast.

Hannah said...

Bridger has gotten so big. He looks like such a big boy.

Staci said...

Your boys are getting so big! We haven't been gone that long! They must be in a growth spirt or something.. way cute pictures. I wish we had a fun farm like that around here!.. Enjoy your family!

Natalie said...

Very cute pictures. I'm sad we weren't able to make it. Brody makes an awesome Batman.

Becky said...

Uh, sorry but I thought it was kinda lame. But it was fun watching the boys have fun.

Adam said...

I agree with Mom - it was lame....lame that i wasn't there to enjoy it too!! I miss you guys and your cuteness.

Lynette said...

It looks like you guys are having fun! Your boys are adorable and like others commented, I can't believe how much they've grown. I also LOVE the SNL video below. Hilarious! Thank you, I'm sleep deprived and needed a good laugh right now