Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hivey Rash x2

Last week Brody broke out with a horrid bumpy hivey rash. I know hivey isn't a word, but you know what I mean, right? It was all over his body and we could see it spreading. These pictures were taken before it spread to his face and neck too bad. He was crying and scratching and not really understanding what was going on. We gave him some Benadryl and got some professional advice to just keep the Benadryl coming until it went away and let him sleep. Adam and our friend Perry gave him a blessing and he woke up the next morning free and clear and so happy that his itchy rash was gone. We thought it was some fluke.

Then on Thursday morning at 2:30 am, he woke up crying and we went in to see what was wrong. It was dark and we just thought he had had a nightmare so we told him to just go back to sleep. From that time until 6am, he kept waking up and we kept going in, not knowing why he was crying and whining. We weren't very nice some of the times we went in there because we were tired and thought he was just being difficult (it wouldn't be the first time). Adam brought him out at 6 to get him a drink and saw that the rash was back. We are awesome parents, I know. So he was in his bed for 3 1/2 hours, itching and crying because we didn't realize his rash had come back. What's even sadder is that he had been playing in the sandbox and didn't get a bath the night before so he had sand all over his bed and was rolling around on the sand with his itchy skin. Torture. Seriously. Oops, okay?

Brody stayed home from school and the rash was gone after 2 rounds of Benadryl, but I still don't know what is causing it. I am thinking it's something in our back yard, but I don't know what. I am going to have to do some investigating. Poor little guy.


heather said...

Oh no! That rash looks pretty bad. HOpe you find out why he keeps getting it.
Oh and you aren't bad parents cause Gabe tends to wake up in the middle of the night and we would have done the same thing to him.

Lenae said...

oh no! You're definitely not bad parents- we put on the cranky face when we're woken in the middle of the night too. My brother had about a million allergies when we were kids and used to get the same thing- poor kid! (And hopefully that's not the case with Brody!)

Anita said...

So SAD! That first picture looks like it's straight out of a medical book. Hope you find what's causing it...maybe it's the sand;)

Anonymous said...

Sad! That looks nasty. The poor little guy.

Amber said...

Poor Brody. That's so sad, good luck with your investigation. I hope you can find the cause quickly.

Bastianclan said...

Awee that rash looks horrible. Not so fun. Chandler missed His Brody at School. I hope you find out what is giving him is yucky hives....

Staci said...

James gets hives like that from Peanut butter.. you probably would have had it before now if he was alergic to peanuts but it could be a food thing too! Good luck figuring it all out!

Kendra said...

That is such a horrible rash! He may need to get an allergy test of some sort. It is that time of year for allergies to start coming out again! When Marc got a rash similar to that he had to take steroids and get a shot! Hopefully he feels better soon!

Becky said...

Just figure it out before I come to stay with them, okay?

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

Did he get into fireants? Sometimes they live in the sand and can attack in seconds. Fireants are BRUTAL!!! :( Just a thought.