Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Day of School 2016

This year we ditched the charter school and went back to Dry Creek Elementary, a public district school. The kids were excited to wear normal clothes (no uniforms). The open house was great and the kids got to meet their teachers and see who was in their classes. Their teachers all seem really nice and we love the principal, Mr. Rencher.

Penny is in first grade and has Mrs. Wagstaff, who is a pretty new teacher. She had a little photo booth at the open house for the kids to take their pictures at and she gave Penny a little pack of microwave popcorn with a poem about how it's her homework to go home and watch a movie.

Briger is in third grade and has Mrs. Reynolds. He was excited to see a few familiar names from church on the class roster. Mrs. Reynolds also has her daughter in class, which I think is weird. We'll see how that goes.

Brody is a big sixth grader now. If we had stayed in Georgia, he would be in Junior High! I'm glad he's still in elementary school. It gives me an extra year of denial that I have a kid that old. His teacher is Mrs. Bean, but she just had a baby so he has a substitute the first 3-4 weeks of school. He's an easy going kid- change doesn't affect him much. I'm sure he'll do just fine this year as long as we keep his stack of books high.

The first day of school went great until after school. Penny's teacher put her on the bus at the wrong time and Brody got on the wrong bus on accident so all three of my kids took different buses and got home at different times. It was a bit stressful but they were all safe and mostly untraumatized.