Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad and to Adam, who are both great dads. I love you!


Zachariah Parry said...


No, it is not slightly confusing, it is VERY confusing.

It would be lay. Brody and Bridger just lay on the couch all day. (Past tense of lie.)

It would only be laid if you are talking about lay, meaning to set something down. So if you wanted to say you set Brody down on the couch, you would say you laid him on the couch. If he is lying there, it would be lay in the past. So you lay something down, it is then lying down. So if you did it yesterday, you laid it down and it lay down.

I know it sounds right to say Brody and Bridger laid down all day, but what that means is that they were setting something down all day and it is an incomplete sentence because you haven't indicated WHAT it is they are laying down. You would have to say Brody and Bridger laid books down all day, or some such thing. To indicate that they were horizontal all day, you have to say Brody and Bridger lay down all day. (Or you can put it in the past progressive form and say Brody and Bridger were lying down all day.)

I wouldn't have written all of this, but you DID ask.

Jessica said...

Zach- thanks for educating me. English is bizarre. I have corrected my error.

Lynette said...

Cute post Jessica. I also LOVE the food storage post. You have inspired me! We have boxes of food in closets but your shelves and ideas make much better sense! Thanks.

Becky said...


Aivaz Family said...

I like both of the men that you paid tribute to. Adam is funny. Your dad is funny too. Especially when I sleep over there with Eliza and he says, "My house is your house. I guess".