Friday, June 27, 2008

My Bearded Man Returns!

I know I haven't posted for almost 2 weeks but I've been a little busy, okay? The bad thing about having a husband that helps out around the house and with the kids so much is that when he leaves for a long period of time, my life spins slightly out of control. That is what has happened since I last posted.

Adam left on Father's Day to go to Washington D.C. for 11 days where he had training and a briefing for his upcoming deployment. The day before that, my whole family had been together for my sister's wedding that I wasn't able to make it to, which was pretty depressing. Then an hour and a half after Adam left, I had a church meeting that I had to be at so I had to get someone to watch my kids. Then I had church, where I gave a talk while someone had to watch my kids (I love our ward- and my friend Jana who saved the day that day). That was just the first 5 hours after he left. There were 264 more hours after that, but don't worry- I won't go into too much detail. Just know that I had a bit of a melt down that weekend. The rest of the 11 days went okay. I was exhausted and the amount of sleep I was getting (Bridger has been waking up between 4:30 and 5:30- yeah I don't know who he thinks he is) left something to be desired. Sleep to be exact. My kids were so good, though, and we had a lot of fun together.

Here are some conversations Brody and I had while Adam was gone that made me happy:

Me: I love you, Brody.
Brody: What's yuv?
Me: Love is when you really like someone and you want to be with them and give them lots of hugs and kisses and play with them all the time.
Brody (after a long pause): I yuv Hayden..and I yuv evybody. (Hayden is his best little buddy.)

Me: Brody, you need to eat your dinner. (This is the phrase I use more than any other.)
Brody: If I eat all my dinner, I will be strong (arms are up showing muscles), just like Grandpa!

Brody: Mommy, yook at the moon! Half of it is all gone. The dragon ate half of it.
Me: The dragon ate half of it? That is silly.
Brody: Dragons yike to eat the moon but I don't yike it. It's too yucky.

Brody: Daddy is at work for a yong yong time.
Me: Yes, he won't be home for 5 more days.
Brody: How about 2 more minutes?
Me: Nope- you have to wait 5 more days, then daddy will come home.
Brody: How about 14 more minutes?

Some of the things we did to keep ourselves busy were:

Sticker parties.

Trips to the creek to feed the ducks bread, although the ducks didn't want any of it- but the fish did!
Read books together

Played in the pool and sandbox in the backyard (sometimes a mixture of both, which turned into a mud party)
Went to the park (Brody had an accident so he had to wear my gym shorts home- they were just a little big.

Played the "water game" (filling up tupperware with different colors of water and then mixing different colors together).

The boys got haircuts.
Pushed each other around in laundry baskets.

Played with our friends.

Adam got home on Thursday and we were so excited to see him! He is growing out his hair and his beard for his deployment so he was pretty hairy when he got home. There's nothing like giving a welcome home kiss and getting sharp needles stabbed into your face! We are so glad to have him home for a month before he has to leave us again for another FOUR MONTHS!


Eliza said...

Brody is so funny. I think the moon is yucky too. Does the dragon barf it back up so we can have a full moon?

Aivaz Family said...

It takes me back to when Will Ferrell as Harey Caray asked "If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?"

Becky said...

You are such a good Mom. I have the cutest grandkids in the world and all of those people with license frames that say that theirs are cuter are DELUSIONAL. Ada looks pretty good with a beard. Maybe he will keep it forever!

Becky said...

I mean Adam not Ada.

Audrey and Mike Findarle said...

So first.... Brody is hilarious. Second both boys are really cute.....Third, I hope brody was talking about grandpa Parry and not his other grandpa :) and also I really like you alot and want you to know that that last wedding didnt even mean anything (besides legal mumbo jumbo) You will get to witness the real one! I cant wait to see you and your hot family ok?

Zachariah Parry said...

I like hearing about funny things your kids say.

I also think I will try the water game. It sounds fun.

Kendra said...

Your kids are freakin cute and pretty darn funny!! I can only relate on the smallest level, but it is so hard to be a mommy without any help!! I have no idea how single mom's do it. When Casen was first born, I cried for all single moms because I felt so bad for them. I could not do this without Marc. I am glad that you get to come here soon so you will have your mommy for support!!

Lenae said...

Sticker parties... I'm going to have to try that one :)

Adelheide said...

When're you going to Las Vegas?

Shari Davis said...

You're such a good mom! I wish that I could have been around to help ya! Thank you for helping me before I left. You can't know how much you helped!!!!!! You're the best and Adam is really starting to look like a MOUNTAIN MAN!!!!!!

heather said...

I read what brody said to my husband and we both were laughing so hard. We can't wait until Gabe says funny stuff to us. Also I can't wait until you are here in Vegas!

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

So happy, yet sad! I am so glad that you husband has come home, yeah! Goodluck in the upcoming months.
I loved the comment from the Aivaz family I laughed my head off when I saw that episode at a friends house ha, ha! :) I also love the beard!

Anonymous said...

Also that we would do without your excellent idea