Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of School

Brody started school today. He went to a preschool last year for 3 days a week/half days but this year he is going 5 days a week for 7 hours a day. It is the Georgia-sponsored Pre-K program, so it's free, which is nice. He didn't get into the nice elementary school pre-k class so we enrolled him in the next best thing- a day care that also provides the Georgia Pre-K approved curriculum. It's not a clean place or an organized place but I am trying to have a good attitude about it. I'm really hoping Brody will like it. Today when he got home, I asked him what he did at school and he told me he couldn't remember. I asked him what he had for lunch (he's not allowed to bring his own lunch so he has to eat whatever they give him) and he couldn't remember. So who knows how it went. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Bridger was excited to drop Brody off at school and then later said he wanted him back. Bridger and I had a good time. We had a little while when we were both kind of bored and wonder what to do without Brody to play with. Bridger is way happier and nicer when Brody isn't around. Bridger even took a 3 hour nap, which gave me 3 hours to nap and have quiet time. It was amazing.
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Zachariah Parry said...

Your kids are wearing a star wars shirt and a batman shirt. They will look back on these pictures with pride. You are among the coolest moms ever.

Lant Family said...

sounds great! time alone--i can only dream of those days to come :)

The Mitchells said...

Ah! Glad he survived his first day. I was thinking of all you moms sending your kids off to school today and wondered how you were coping. Sounds like it was a good day!

Julie said...

It is always hard to know what to do when they first go to school, but you will get used to it! I don't know what I will do when Katelyn starts 1st grade and Alia is in pre-k 4 days a week and for only half days. Tara and I will have some quiet mornings!

Lenae said...

I was thinking your kids are rocking some amazing t-shirts in the pictures too! I'd probably biff it big time in this area and send them to school in starched, plaid polos and shoes you have to SHINE.

Aivaz Family said...

I would once again like to reiterate how jealous I am of your free 7-hour a day preschool. Also, your kids are attractive.

Becky said...

How is the house coming? Is it closer or farther from Brody's preschool? And I agree with Seana that your kids are attractive.

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Hurray for school!

Kendra said...

I hope you continue to have some amazing nap and quiet time! Keep up the good naps Bridger!!

Karri said...

Alana is in first grade now and I've still never heard how a day of school went. I think kids are genetically programmed to "forget" anything about school!

Winn Family said...

Okay--for real, do you love having time with just Bridger though? Cause for real--I'm loving it--to focus on one age and one child----not to mention that he loves to help me with EVERYTHING, cleaning, cooking.....other stuff i do...where before him and Kade where either playing or fighting...but fun! I hope this works out for you! I'm sure Brody will just love it!