Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bridger's Turn!

Today was Bridger's first day of preschool. I knew it was coming and we were both looking forward to it but it just kind of snuck up on me. I dropped him off and he was a little nervous but then he suddenly looked up at me and smiled and said, "Bye, Mom!" And that was that. I left feeling strange and came home and hung out with Penny for a while. I even got to sew in peace during her nap!

When Bridger got home he told me all about his day and how much fun he had. He was most excited about the fact that he got to ride home with his friends.

I was a little lonely without Bridger today, but I have a feeling I'll get used to it.


Hannah said...

He looks so grown up and so cute. I miss you guys!

heather said...

He looks so happy! I bet it was a nice day for you. Oh, I only wish!

Becky said...

He is so cute and I love his new school shoes!

Jennifer Sharpe said...

The first day Keira went last year I just sat on the couch and waited. But that didn't last for long! It's really fun being able to give the youngest some one on one attention. It's way easier to shop with just one too. We should get together one day while they are in school and do something crafty!