Saturday, August 14, 2010

Penny Candy

Penny is now 4 1/2 months old. She weighs 16 pounds and is 25 1/2 inches long. She seemed so small to me until I saw my friend's newborn yesterday and Penny was like a giant compared to little Everlee.

Here are some reasons why we love Penny:
First of all, look at that face. When she smiles, she has a dimple in her right cheek. She loves being tickled and listening to us sing to her. She can roll from front to back but then gets frustrated because she hardly ever gets back to where she likes to be.
She is sleeping well at night, only getting up once to eat in 12-13 hours. Naps aren't fantastic, but we take what we can get.

She rarely cries in the car anymore. That was annoying while it lasted.

She is almost always happy. Even when she's hungry or tired, we can usually get a little giggle out of her. She babbles and squeals and is generally delicious.

And finally, she is very studious....

We love her face off.


Jenna said...

She looks like an adorable female version of Harry Potter in that last pic, SO CUTE!! Glad she's so good at sleeping through the night.

Jennifer Sharpe said...

She is such a doll! I can't believe she's already 4 1/2 months old.

Brad and Erica said...

Oooo . . . I could just eat her up! She is darling! I'm so glad she is sleeping through the night and that she is so happy for you. I would be happy too if I had Brody and Bridger as older brothers.

Staci said...

She is so cute and has sooo much hair.. my 2 almost 3 year old doesn't have that much hair. Sophia's is longer but seriously only about half as much hair as Penny.. SO cute..
Erica is right.. we could eat her up!

Becky said...

Ummm I think you could start a fad with those glasses! I wish I could see her more often. She is scrumscious!

Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

She really is super cute! No surprise there, though, since all your kids are!

heather said...

Love the glasses pictures! Also, wow, she loves to sleep. that is awesome girl!

Lynette said...

She IS candy Jessica. SO adorable. I was reading about your little boy going to school too! I cannot believe he is so "grown up". The first year is so exciting - and sad. He will do GREAT. You guys have taught him well.

orangeunique said...

I bought the same I love daddy shirt for Esther. Very cute. Ps Esther is jealeous of the hair.

Eliza said...

Hey selfish with 3 kids, send the delicious baby to me immediately.