Saturday, February 2, 2008

My True Color

What is your true color?
Here's my result:

You're green, the color of growth and vigor. Good-hearted and giving, you have a knack for finding and bringing out the best in people. Green is the most down-to-earth color in the spectrum — reliable and trustworthy. People know they can count on you to be around in times of need, since your concern for people is genuine and sincere. You take pride in being a good friend. For you, success is measured in terms of personal achievement and growth, not by status or position. Rare as emeralds, greens are wonderful, natural people. It truly is your color!

Find out what color you ar
e! (Thanks Jenn!)
Color Test

Adam, your true color is Brown!

You're brown, a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart.


Zachariah Parry said...

I could have told you all those things about you. But I have known you for like 20 years. How did this test get you so spot on after knowing you for such a short time?

Brianna said...

Happy Birthday, Jess! It's the third and I just wanted to leave you a little birthday note! Hope you have a wonderful day with your boyz!

Julie said...

Jessica, green totally describes you perfectly! You are such an awesome person!

Becky said...

Hmmm. I am a brown and I like being like Adam but I don't particularly like the color brown. It seems so DULL.